Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact 
Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact

Godaddy Error An unexpected error
If you buy a domain from godaddy then this error comes in. How do you set it up?
Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact

You should set this as shown in this picture, if you get an error like this.
First, you have to login to Godaddy
Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact

Then you have to click on the DNS of your domain
You will see the name inside the records

Then you have to click on Edit and @ you have to delete
Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact

Instead, you have to enter the name that will appear inside your website as a domain option as it appears in the picture.
Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact
Problem-solving Godaddy Error An unexpected error occurred in contact

Share it with your friends so they too can get out of this problem and add your domain to the website.