Verification Badge updates comment filters Launch Music in this video and more 

Verification Badge updates comment filters Launch Music in this video and more 

hello insiders news last time first I know some improvements coming to you in the studio beta in July we did a sneak peek link below of a cool new feature that helps creators find and respond to comments more easily with new search filters so this has been a top request that we've gotten from career so we're super excited to announce that over the next few days this option will be available to everybody in the studio beta it will not be available in studio classic nor will it ever come to classic as all new features do not go to classic now with this new feature what can you do you can easily filter comments by response status so you can see have I I only want to see comments that I've not yet responded to or that I have responded to if it contains a question you can say I just want to see comments that contain a question subscriber count' show me all the comments from people who have channels that have at least one thousand ten thousand a hundred thousand a million or ten million subs subscriber status show me all the comments if the commenters subscribed to me because maybe I want to prioritize my subscriber comments from non subscriber comments same thing with member status is this comment to remember I want to filter by that and you can also combine different filters to narrow your search so you could say oh I want to see all of my subscribers comments that I haven't responded to yet who also have channels with more than ten thousand subs we're also answering another longtime feature request which is previously searching by keyword only showed you the comments with an exact match so searching for subs would only find exactly su vs you know with a space after with this update you'll see search results beyond exact match so now you'll see subscriber or subscribers for that same search now we hope to expand your filter options in the future only on studio Bay let us know in the comments which of these filters you liked the most and if you have other filter ideas put those in the comments as well those improvements only apply to the studio beta they do not apply to classic no more improvements are going to be made to classic speaking of classic a lot of folks have said hey I keep hearing you saying that classic is going away this year but I really use the you know classic end screen editor or captions classic captions editor or maybe the audio library and these are things that when I use them I can tell that they're kind of still on classic so just want to be super clear when we say classic is going away this year what we really mean is general access to classic so if you go in studio beta and you go on that bottom left corner and it has a little kind of like XK patch to go to classic and then you just kind of wander around that little link is going away but let's say you're in studio beta and you're in the video details page and you always click on the link to the N screen editor that will not be going away this year so we're not going to take away core features from classic until we've developed a native version in the studio beta that we're really happy with and so until we do that you'll always have access to those things so the only thing that's going away this year is just general access to classic I just want to make that clarification next if you use our members feature which is also only available on studio beta we now have an integration with FX factory which allows creators to more easily feature member names in your videos through text overlays as a way to give credit thanks and a shout out in one swoop for all your channel members next we've got an experiment for stories we've heard some creators would like a way to connect their videos to their stories so we're launching an experiment that lets you highlight a viewers comment from one of your videos in your story if you're in the in the experiment on mobile you'll see a camera icon on your comments by clicking on this icon you'll you'll start creating a story with a sticker of the 

comment try it out let us know what you think in the comments below next music in this video so it will start rolling out to about 1% of viewers and basically it will tell your viewers what music is playing in the video and then they can click if they want to they can click on the clock icon to save the music video to their save to watch later all right channel verification changes on Thursday we made some announcements and so I want to quickly clarify some points of confusion with our initial announcement then I have some good news about some changes to the initial announcement that came out on Friday so first things first some quick clarifications on Thursday we announced that channel verification badges would be getting a new look across YouTube and we also announced changes to the eligibility criteria so a couple things to keep straight right off the bat one is no channels lost their verified badges on Thursday none it was a pre announcement saying hey at some point in October certain channels might lose their badge but nothing actually no changes actually happened on Thursday - turns out these badges have never actually displayed on our mobile clients and our mobile apps uh and we're fixing that which is good because they should show everywhere number three was if you were a channel who would be losing your verified status you received an email that had sort of advanced notice and a link to an appeal form so you got 28 days to go and say like no hey youtube actually I should be verified for these reasons via an appeal form now lots of folks couldn't actually find the appeal form because it turns out you had to be logged in with the exact channel that received that email when you actually go see the form otherwise you just couldn't see the link anywhere so that should help clarify some points of confusion from Thursday now after they know if it was made we heard your feedback loud and here and I'm so excited that I have updates from the team who's working on this that they're actually changing sort of the strategy for what it is that they're doing here so I'm super pumped for this okay first if you currently have a verification badge on YouTube you will not lose it that's a big that's a big change from those initial emails that we all got and you don't have to appeal to keep your badge which is great now we will continue reviewing channels to make sure that we're protecting you from being impersonated but if you have a badge today you get to keep it number two is we actually released our eligibility criteria because it was really bad in the initial announcement so now it is super clear we have a picture we're gonna put it right here and so the criteria is you have to have at least a hundred thousand subscribers and then once you hit that there's two additional things so one we need to make sure that it's authentic so your channel must represent a real creator brand or entity that you're actually claiming to be and we'll look for a variety of factors to verify your identity and the number two is your channel needs to be complete so make sure the channel is public you have a description make sure you have a channel avatar make sure you have content on your channel make sure you're actively doing things on YouTube so if you have those things you can apply and then if you make it through the application then you can be verified so thank you to the team who clarified the eligibility criteria so that was another point of just vagueness that we needed to to get more information out about that and then another point of clarification that kind of got lost I think in here is we won't be actually changing the look of the badge in October as was initially planned hope this was helpful in helping to clarify sort of the messaging on Thursday and this does just go to show you that the team who was working really hard on that they listened to all of your feedback and if you still have questions or feedback drop comments down below and I will make sure that the team 

who's working on this sees all of that that's it for this week I hope that was helpful in the meantime keep it real okay hanging around movie people so last week's movie was Pirates of the Caribbean and the winner was Stephen JAL so congratulations or gal congratulations to Stephen for being quick on the draw for that movie here is an new quote that I found very kind of philosophical and I think you will too this is a great movie this is not from the 90s but not all that a lot after that Frankie likes to state that boxing is an unnatural demonstration that everything in boxin is backward sometimes the best way to deliver a punch is to step back but step back too far and you ain't fighting at all so if you know what movie that's from put it in the comments below and we will give you a shout out in the next news flash in the meantime keep it real